Try our EducationSave Calculator

Not sure how much to save?

Simply tell us how many years you have before your child needs the education money. Tell us where and what course your child will study.

Taking into account inflation and your risk profile, SqSave will suggest how much you should save monthly, yearly or in a lump sum.

But you can decide on whatever amount. Just start early!

Invest for your kids early with KidSave

Kids learn by example and doing. Involve your kids while you save for their future. Teach them the importance of saving money early.

Invest for your kids early with KidSave

KidSave Goal & Squirrel Treehouse

When you invest in KidSave, the child you nominate can view the money you have invested via our children financial literacy portal called “Squirrel Treehouse”.

Squirrel Treehouse has parent-child e-learning lessons to teach kids about money concepts and values.


SqSave AI will do everything for you

Start smart investing with 3 simple steps. Then, sit back and relax!